Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Posts on other blogs

Cara: 4th posting
Chloe: 1st post
Godhelp 5th post
Heather: 5th post

Reference list: 

Algase, D., & Yao, L., Son, G., & Beattle, E., & Bec, C., & Whall, A (2007). Initial psychometric of the         ambiance scale: A tool to study person- environment interaction in dementia. Aging & mental health. 11 (3): 266-272.

Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The beneļ¬ts of being present: Mindfulness and its role in
psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822–848

Caulton,K., & Dickson, R. (2007). What is going on? Finding out an explanation for what we do. In Creek, J.,& Lawson-porter, A. (Eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy. (pp. 87-112). Chichesten John Wiley & sons Ldt

Christiansen, C., H & Townsend, E., A. (2010). Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living (2nd ed). New Jersey USA:       Pearson Education Inc.  

Crepeau, E. (2003). Analysing occupation and activity: A way of thinking about occupational performance. In         Crepeau, E.. Cohn. & Schell B (Eds.). Willard and Spackman's occupational therapy. (10th ed., pp 189- 198). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

Mahy, M. (1976). A work of art. In The door in the air and other stories. Delacorte books for young readers.

Majercsic, E. (2005). Hierarchy of needs of generic patients. Gerontology. 51:170-173

Segal, Z. V., Williams, J. M. G., & Teasdale, J. D. (2002). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for
depression: A new approach to preventing relapse. New York: Guilford Press

Monday, 17 October 2011

Practical considerations: 5. Ginger breadmen

For this baking session I baked with my partners niece.We made ginger bread men, her choice. It reminded me of the article called "A work of Art" by Margaret Mayhe, 1988 where a character in the story, Mrs Baskin was baking for her son Brian with her three youngest children. This article related to that day that I was baking as I was also baking with a small child and I was able to relate to the story in that way. We began by gathering all the ingredients together on the bench and making sure that we had all of the ingredients (ergonomics). Madison is 5 years old so to be able to reach the bench I had to get a box for her to stand on (practical consideration).  Baking the ginger bread men is done in stages. First you mix all the main ingredients together. The the mixture is then taken out and cut into men shapes using cookie cutters. Once baked and cooled we ices them. This was Madison's favorite bit. I had to be real careful with the food colouring and electric mixer while I was baking with her as she is not quite at the age that she can handle responsibility independently, this was another practical consideration. We used pebble lollies as the buttons for the ginger bread men and gave then all eyes and mouths. After we iced them we waited for them to set before we ate them.The environment that we baked  was a good positive atmosphere. As shown in the photo below the gingerbread men are aesthetically pleasing, they look good and were all iced with only a few that had to be redone! I enjoyed doing the baking.  It was a bit time consuming which could be considered bad ethics, but overall the baking went well.
Gingerbread men
125g butter
1/4 cup golden syrup
2cups flour
1 T ginger
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/4 cup self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking soda

1 egg white
1 1/4 cup icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon
Food colouring

1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees
2. Beat butter, sugar and syrup in a bowl until light and creamy
3. Add egg gradually
4. Sift dry ingredients and mix with a knife until combined
5. Knead for two minutes
6. Put in the fridge for 10 minutes
7. roll out using a rolling pin
8. Cut into shapes
9. Put onto a greased tray and bake in the oven for 10 minutes
10. Cool once out of the oven

1. place egg whites in bowl and beat until foamy
2. Add lemon juice and icing sugar gradually
3. Split mixture into different bowls and add the food colouring
4. Ice the cookies and add lollies for buttons (optional)

Mahy, M. (1976). A work of art. In The door in the air and other stories. Delacorte books for young readers.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Work and labor: 4. Baking bread

            For my fourth baking activity I chose to bake bread. I don't have a bread maker so I usually bake my bread in the oven. I start but making the yeast up with warm water, sugar and yeast. Making bread is a new aspect to baking for me and I have only started doing it in the last year. As I was a baking I thought about the difference between me making this bread and some one that is making food to survive. The difference is in the reason for the occupation which can fit into Mazlo hierarchy of needs (Majercsik, 2005). The need being for survival (labour) or leisure (work). Work and labour are two separate focuses of occupation. Work is an enjoyed activity, a choice that an individual makes to do an activity. Labour is a activity that is required to survive, a necessity to live     
     Baking bread is an example of labour in Mazlos hierarchy of needs. It is an activity that can be done for fun but it also is an activity that is needed for survival as it is a food. The act of baking bread is not necessarily a laboriousness task however it can be a labour of love as described in Caulton and Dickson 2007. Eating is a survival need and as baking is food it is a need, however the fact that I enjoy baking, it can be argued that it has another layer involved as I am not just baking to eat but to have fun. Work is a activity that involves an individual doing the activity for a non survival purpose such as playing cards. It can be found in some aspects of baking such as the aesthetics of cake decorating or drawing a design in the mixture. Cooking is a activity that contrasts some aspects of my chosen activity of baking as it is mainly a task described as a high labour task. It is essential to eat to survive and cooking usually involves more nutritious ingredients to promote healthy eating compared to baking.

 Home made bread recipe:
 3 cups flour
1t baking powder
2 teaspoons oil
pinch of salt

1 teaspoon yeast  
1 Table spoon sugar
1 cup warm water

1.Combine yeast sugar and warm water and leave to sit for approx 10- 20 minutes
2. Combine flour baking powder and salt by sifting into a large mixing bowl
3. Make a well in the center of the flour, add oil and yeast mix
4. Mix together and kneed for five minutes
5.Put aside for 20minutes to let the dough rise
6. Place on baking tray and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees or until brown


Majercsic, E. (2005). Hierarchy of needs of generic patients. Gerontology. 51:170-173

Cauton, R.& Dickson, R. (2007).  What's going on? Finding an explanation for what we do. In Creek, J., & Lawson- Porter, A. (Eds.) Contemporary issues in occupational therapy. Chichester John Wiley & sons ltd

Affordance and Ambiance: 3. Baking apple and cinnamon muffins

The day I baked apple and cinnamon muffins was a wet rainy day. Rainy days always trigger my baking as this is when I did baking with my mum when I was young.The rainy days create connections from previous baking experiences. Rainy days connects me to the kitchen of my mothers home, to the mixing bowls my mum used, to the baking that I did using the bowls, to the baking that I did when I was young on rainy days. It brings back memories from my childhood and baking with my mum and sisters. I began searching for a recipe  but could only find a recipe for blueberry muffins. I thought berries and apples are both fruit so id just substitute the recipe and go with the flow.  The smell of the muffins in the oven filled the room. I then removed them from the oven. I did all the dishes.Doing the dishes is important in my spirituality as after I bake it is important to me to have a clean kitchen.
I used ethics when I considered what were the good and bad things about this baking experience. The good was that  the baking  was enjoyable and gave a sense of accomplishment, the bad were that I did not follow a recipe and it took a bit of time to do. I also considered what my muffins looked like (aesthetics), the muffins need to look appetizing and enjoyable to eat.The environment was cool as it was raining. The atmosphere was perfect for my baking as I was not rushed so it was a pleasant environment. This reminded me of a passage in an article that talked about occupational based activity analysis. It talked about how a persons interests, goals, abilities and the context all interact and put different demands on an activity (Crepeau, 2003). Baking  consists of all my memories, connections, ethics and personal influences as well as the kitchen I bake in which put demands on how I bake.

Apple and cinnamon  muffins ( my adapted recipe)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
50g butter
1cup stewed apple
2 teaspoons cinnamon

1. Combine in one bowl sugar butter and eggs until light and fluffy
2.Mix in flour baking powder and cinnamon
3. Make a well in the center of the mixture and pour in milk and apples
4. fold together mixture, do not mix as muffins will turn tough
5.   Bake at 180 degrees for 20minutes or until brown

Affordance are the environmental properties that support goal directed behaviour (Christiansen & Townsend, 2004). It is the factors in the environment that provide potential for an opportunity these are through connections, memories and ethics for example .

Ambiance is the mood or atmosphere of the environment, it is the term used to describe
the overall effect of the physical and social features of an environment and the individual feelings behaviour, actions of a person (Algase, Yao, Son, Beattie, Beck & Whall, 2007)

Algase, D., & Yao, L., Son, G., & Beattle, E., & Bec, C., & Whall, A (2007). Initial psychometric of the ambiance scale: A tool to study person- environment interaction in dementia. Aging & mental health. 11 (3): 266-272.
Crepeau, E. (2003). Analysing occupation and activity: A way of thinking about occupational performance. In         Crepeau, E.. Cohn. & Schell B (Eds.). Willard and Spackman's occupational therapy. (10th ed., pp 189- 198). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

Christiansen, C., H & Townsend, E., A. (2010). Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living (2nd ed). New Jersey USA:       Pearson Education Inc.   

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Ergonomics: 2. Baking a chocolate cake

 There are lots of different ways to bake a cake, but the cake that I baked was a microwave cake. This is not the conventional way to bake, however it still turns out the same. I had to change the way I baked my cake as I did not have access to an oven at the time. First I went to the supermarket to purchase  the ingredients I needed to make the cake. I  went to the local supermarket to buy my ingredients which made me consider how this related to the use of ergonomics in my chosen activity. As stated in Caulton and Dickson, 2007, part of a good ergonomic system involves direct exchange in goods and services. For my chosen baking activity I exchanged money for the ingredients I needed to do my baking and was limited by the money I had to exchange for the food.   I then began putting all the ingredients together found in the recipe and continued making the cake using mindfulness. I use ergonomics again while baking by making slight adjustments to the activity so I was able to bake the cake using a microwave instead of an oven.

Baking  this cake  required an environment that had specific equipment and features such as a microwave and cooling rack. This cake  can be baked all year round as seasons do not effect this activity. My baking is usually done inside in a kitchen. To bake for example a chocolate cake you need an oven or microwave, baking trays, cooling rack, mixing bowel, spatula, measuring cups and spoons, a knife and all the ingredients listed below.  Baking can be graded in difficulty as some baking tasks will be easier to do such as a microwave  chocolate cake. Baking a cheese cake or gateau requires more skill and more steps to complete which have to be considerd.

Chocolate cake:
1 1/3 cup flour
 3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3 Tablespoons cocoa
2 eggs
130 grams butter

 1. Combine butter, sugar and egg in a mixing bowl until fluffy
 2. mix together in another bowl the flour baking power and cocoa
3. Add baking soda to milk
4. Combine dry ingredients with butter mixture
5. Make a well in the center, pour in milk and stir.
6. Put cake mix into microwave proof dish
7. Microwave for 7 1/2 minutes on high
8. Cool for 10 minutes

 Ergonomics can be broken into interrelationships between the person, activity and environment (Caulton and Dickson 2007). This balance creates a area where productivity is at its greatest. 

Caulton,K., & Dickson, R. (2007). What is going on? Finding out an explanation for what we do. In Creek, J.,& Lawson-porter, A. (Eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy. (pp. 87-112). Chichesten John Wiley & sons Ldt

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Mindfulness: 1. Baking Cookies :)

This week the class looked at the use of mindfulness. Mindfulness is looking not at just one aspect of an activity but the activity as a whole. For my first activity experience I baked chocolate chip cookies.  I baked the chocolate chip cookies using an altered sense of consciousness using all the body's senses to do the activity. I began with finding the recipe and the ingredients to make it. Then I began mixing all the ingredients. I enjoyed the experience of seeing the different ingredients mixed together, smelling the fresh baking and rolling out the cookies. This baking experience was enjoyable as for the first time I used mindfulness and all my senses; Sight, smell, touch, sound, taste. The smell of the chocolate chip cookies stimulates the senses and makes me think about how they taste. Using mindfulness during my activity related to an article I read that described it as a present-moment awareness that is believed to enhance balance and psychological well-being (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002). The baking did  enhance the balance in my day, I was able to open my mind to think about the present moment and relax in doing so. To be mindful a person needs to be in touch with their innermost self and be aware of what is around them.

Baking chocolate cookies: the recipe
125g butter
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 egg lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/4 cup flour
1 cup chocolate chips

 1. Beat butter, essence, sugar and egg until smooth.
 2. Then stir in remaining dry ingredients until mixed through
 3. Bake at 180 degrees for 10- 15 minutes or until slightly brown

Mindfulness refers to being aware of and attending to ongoing experiences (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Kabat-Zinn, 2003).


Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2003). The beneļ¬ts of being present: Mindfulness and its role in
psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822–848

Segal, Z. V., Williams, J. M. G., & Teasdale, J. D. (2002). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for
depression: A new approach to preventing relapse. New York: Guilford Press

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Participation in Occupation 2

This blog will now continue on to the second semester of participation in occupation 2. The class has been asked to pick a chosen topic of interest to talk about though out this next few weeks. My chosen activity is Baking. I will be blogging each week about this chosen topic. The blogs are related to the different topics we learn in class. These are Mindfulness, Ergonomics, Affordance, Ambiance, Practical considerations and Work and labour. I will head my bloods with each of these titles and will touch on the different areas throughout my blog.

Baking is a very special and meaningful occupation for me. I have been baking ever since i was able to hold a mixing spoon. It was one way that me and my two other siblings spent time with my mum. Baking was always  done as a family when I was young. Eventually as I got older I mastered the skill of baking and became the baker of my family known for my Christmas ginger bread men,  chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake. Baking is an occupation I am good at and is definitely appreciated by my friends and family. It is meaningful to me and is a way for me to relax after a busy week at course and to think. Also the reward of eating home baking once out of the oven YUM!

I will be adding additional recipes and definitions at the bottom of each blog which should not count towards my word count.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Tutorial 8

  • Assistive technology is a term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people that have disabilities (Wikipedia 2011). Assistive technology allows people with varying needs to be able to participate in society to their full ability and provides independence to the user.

A piece of adaptive equipment that was used in class was a jellybean switch. They are 64mm around and  weigh about 56 grams. The average cost of a jellybean switch is $90 (NZ). A standard Jellybean switch allows the person using the switch to meet a variety of needs and is recommended for students and educational use mostly. It is used with students who can access a smaller target area. It is plugged into a appliance and used to access the functions of the appliance, such as turning it on and off (Star mobility and disability 2011).  This piece of equipment provides a student with a access point to using a appliance and the freedom to be using it independently. As said in the lecture in class a switch such as this one can be used to control a computer which opens up many possibilities for the user. Here is a website that can be visited to buy a jellybean switch in NZ. 

Wikipedia (2011). Assistive technology.Retrieved on 11th April 2011 from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistive_technology
Star mobility and disability (2011) Jelly bean switch. Retrieved on 27 April 2011. From http://www.starmobility.co.nz/

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Tutorial 7

In this tutorial we were to link our blogs with other blogs that related to OT practice. I used google reader to do this and it can be viewed  in my profile as blogs that I follow. They are:
* Otstudents.bloggerspot.com
* Everyoneneedstherapy.bloggerspot,com
* OTnotes.blogspot.com
* Yourtherapysorce.blogspot.com
* Participation in Occupation 2011
* Participation in Occupation- Izabela
 Four of them  are official web pages while the last one is a link to another students blog. Then I posted on the Karen's ( Everyone needs therapy) blogs and will add in the response when i get that :)

This is a example of  a conversation that I posted

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tutorial 6

Blog that relate to the condition Autism

This website is an example of the topic that I am discussing in this blog http://www.autismnz.org.nz/

The introduced topic of interest drawn from my field work experience is people that have Autism. On my placement I on of the clients was a child with autism. I believe that these online communities will be helpful for the parents of these children as well as other members of the community that are effected by Autism. Each of these communities bellow are places for people to blog and add in a message or suggestion about autism. 

The sites are interactive in similar ways but each have a slightly different focus on what they offer.Autism blogger provides videos and a chat room for people to contribute to. Talk Autism is a site based around talking and chatting online about autism. World autism community is both a blogging message online community and also a place to met people from a worldwide community. All of these sites are interactive with online chatting and blogging. However the Talk autism website has more of a focus on messaging and chatting to other people where as the other ones are not as straight forward but still helpful. People can contribute to the online communities via chat, messaging and through face book when using world autism. These sites contribute to the community as it is the glue that brings people together and allows a place where people can share their thoughts and feelings with others.

People may choose to contribute as the web page is easy to follow such as the talk autism page. Or they may choose to contribute to the online community as they find the information appealing or know someone that is in the community already. The people that access these web pages are seeking information and support in their life dealing with autism which could be personal or effecting the people around them. The information in Talk autism is a one way shared site. Autism blogger is a reciprocal closed blog site and World autism is a mixture of both private and community posts.

There may be possible ethical issues as some people that are affected by Autism might have some information that they don't want to share on a community or shared blog but may  post a blog on the wrong page by accident. This can cause ethical issues as it is a breach of privacy. Some people might not want others to view their blogs or comments so may wish to make them private also. Blogs are impersonal so there is no physical connection which may lead people to make comments that are hurtful or unethical to each other and not realise that they are offending others.

Online communities provide easy access and quick answers compared to geographical communities. They allow people to communicate from the comforts of their own home and don’t have to go out anywhere if they don’t want to but still can get the answers they need. However these communities cannot provide the face to face contact that geographical communities provide. Geographical communities give an opportunity for people to show emotions and have personal contact with others. 

References to web sites

Tutorial 5

 You tube is a video-sharing website where users can upload, share, and view videos. You tube was created in February 2005( Wikipedia 2011). You tube offers a wide range of services such as fast information that can be accessed around the world. You tube allows people to upload and comment on videos that are created by both professionals and common everyday people alike. It allows any body no matter who you are to access information and add personal videos when ever you like (Wikipedia 2011).

The topic that I have chosen to gather YouTube information about is my personal occupation of 'cooking'.

The first video is an introduction to Italy where my favorite type of food comes from.

This video is a small introduction of a program that I watch called Master chef Australia. This show has heaps of good recipes and tips for cooking.

This next clip is my favourite type on food that i love to cook and eat. Italian cuisine is by far my most favorite type of food

This video shows how to make my favorite type of Italian food: spaghetti bolognese

The last video clip that is based around my topic of cooking is how to do the cleaning up and dishes after the cooking!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Tutorial 4

"the letter A"
by Amanda, Anna- Maree, Sarah & Heather
This post is for tutorial five when we were asked to get into groups and create a video all about a letter of our choice, we chose the letter 'A'. The group went around the Wintec grounds looking for things that started with the letter A.We then edited and added music to the 30 second clip and up loaded it to our blogs.

Tutorial 3

*Creation of blog:
-set up a google account
-chose a blog template
-blog title
-blog profile
-upload a photo
-hyper link to other blogs
-Flicker account

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tutorial 2

* Digital images can be stored, transferred and manipulated in different ways. Images can be stored in a computer, in camera hard drives, in an external hard drive and on a memory stick. Data can be transferred using memory sticks, email and messaging. Manipulating data through computer programs such as picture it; word document and movie maker can change data and make it more suitible for the person using it. This relates to a digital camera as a camera is an electric device and can capture both still and moving images.Examples of the use of digital imaging to provide information and recording can be found in many technology types.  On this blog I hyper linked a picture through flickr onto my wall. I have linked my blog to several of my class mates blog to show how imaging can provide information to other sites (refer to top of blog). I have also uploaded this photo of my kitten which i took with my camera. I then transfered it onto my computer, then up loaded it to my blog and it will be stored on my computers hard drive.
*" A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature". This statement  relates to digital camera technology as new cameras take more pictures but these begin to lose value as more unnecessary photos are take instead of only memorable photos. Older cameras containing less technology meant only a set number of photos could be taken each time meaning photos have less meaning now. With the advancement of photo shop and digital modification the use of a dark room is less used. New cameras cannot be superior to the time and effort process taken for old cameras using dark rooms.

*Ethical issues surrounding privacy and ownership of the photos is linked with taking photos with digital cameras. If people don’t want the photo to be taken and uploaded it is ethically wrong to take the photo without consent. Ownership of the photo is another ethical concern as the question is who owns the photo, the person in the photo or the person that took the photo.

*Digital imaging is used by OTs in many different ways. They are great tools to use to show the progress of a client showing before and after rehabilitation. They are used in cognition tests and resources for people that suffer from brain injury and dementia clients to re teach them the faces of their friends and family. Digital imaging is also used to view potential equipment that may be needed through web site photos (http://www.starmobility.co.nz/)

Tutorial 1

*This is my first blog in my profile. This blog was set up for the coarse 'Participation in occupation'. Information technology is the total knowledge and skills available to any given society (Sunderland 2010). Technology provides information directly and quickly from one place to another via messaging and information processing. Technology has a huge range of varieties involved for example computers, mobile phones, iphones and iPods. The use of this type of technology is so broad that it would be impossible to know everything about technology and its functions.

*IT has become heavily applied in modern day society. The use of technology has developed from a luxury item to one that is a common place item. Computers are a perfect example of how technology has advanced over the years. Twenty years ago it was rear to see people using a computer in the home and only people that had the money would have one. Now computers are a must have item and nearrly every house hold has atleast one. This is because society has become faster and quicker paced due to the development of technology. This video is a add for computers in the 1990 and shows how far technology has come since then.
*I have knowledge of some technology. I can use a cell phone to txt and call people; I can use a computer with the basic functions such as email, type on word, use the Internet and download music. I have an old edition IPod and phone so the newer technology of these I haven’t mastered yet, but as i am young and used to technology it wouldn't take me long to get used to the new technology. I am finding blogging difficult and am not used to the format of the system used to navigate a blog. This may limit the designing of my blog.

*IT has been used in  my OT studies to write reports and to gain information on equipment that is available for people with different needs. In my OT field work practice a computer to email clients to book appointments and keep in contact with them. IT systems such as email my pose a limitation for OTs as it is faster than talking to someone in person so it could make communication between  the OT and client impersonal. An example of a way for an OT to use IT for practice is by using the internet to search for equipment based websites that OTs can visit to look at different equipment and decide which equipment to use http://www.starmobility.co.nz/ .  By understanding and using IT an Occupational therapist can keep up with new technological advances and create new ways of communicating with clients.

*There are ethical issues surrounding the use of capturing and taking videos of people. In private settings there is less of a problem with ethical issues as long as the people agree to the photo being taken. In a public setting such as in schools, formal consent needs to be given to allow the photos to be taken (teachers council, 2011)

*Intellectual property is a term used for human innovations and creativity. They are capable of being protected under national law and treaties (iponz 2010). OTs have to consider this to capture something on film that is intellectual property of someone else and to make sure that they make note that the image is some one else’s intellectual property.

* Social justice is a term that concerned with equal justice in all aspects of society. It is about equal rights and opportunities for everyone (wisegeek 2011).  Social justice is important in the use of OTs and people have the right to have the access to technology and using a camera.

*Informed consent refers to the individuals freedom, rights and self-determination in aspects of their life (minedu 2010).  This is a very important part of using IT as an OT as informed consent has to be given to access and use any information from the client. Informed consent is a formal tool to allow the therapist to use the data given is a specific way.

Minedu.(2010).Informed consent Guidelines. Retrieved on 16th March 2011. From
Wise geek. (2011). What is social justice. Retrieved on 16th March 2011.From http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-social-justice.htm
iponz (2010). What is intellectual property. Retrieved on 16th March 2011, From http://www.iponz.govt.nz/cms/what-is-ip/what-is-intellectual-property
Teacherscouncil. (2011). Code of ethics. Retrieved 26 April 2011. From http://www.teacherscouncil.govt.nz/required/ethics/codeofethics.stm)