Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tutorial 2

* Digital images can be stored, transferred and manipulated in different ways. Images can be stored in a computer, in camera hard drives, in an external hard drive and on a memory stick. Data can be transferred using memory sticks, email and messaging. Manipulating data through computer programs such as picture it; word document and movie maker can change data and make it more suitible for the person using it. This relates to a digital camera as a camera is an electric device and can capture both still and moving images.Examples of the use of digital imaging to provide information and recording can be found in many technology types.  On this blog I hyper linked a picture through flickr onto my wall. I have linked my blog to several of my class mates blog to show how imaging can provide information to other sites (refer to top of blog). I have also uploaded this photo of my kitten which i took with my camera. I then transfered it onto my computer, then up loaded it to my blog and it will be stored on my computers hard drive.
*" A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature". This statement  relates to digital camera technology as new cameras take more pictures but these begin to lose value as more unnecessary photos are take instead of only memorable photos. Older cameras containing less technology meant only a set number of photos could be taken each time meaning photos have less meaning now. With the advancement of photo shop and digital modification the use of a dark room is less used. New cameras cannot be superior to the time and effort process taken for old cameras using dark rooms.

*Ethical issues surrounding privacy and ownership of the photos is linked with taking photos with digital cameras. If people don’t want the photo to be taken and uploaded it is ethically wrong to take the photo without consent. Ownership of the photo is another ethical concern as the question is who owns the photo, the person in the photo or the person that took the photo.

*Digital imaging is used by OTs in many different ways. They are great tools to use to show the progress of a client showing before and after rehabilitation. They are used in cognition tests and resources for people that suffer from brain injury and dementia clients to re teach them the faces of their friends and family. Digital imaging is also used to view potential equipment that may be needed through web site photos (http://www.starmobility.co.nz/)

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